Sunday, January 27, 2008

What a Week

Hmmmm, so another week is gone and I haven't much to say. Megan and I have both not been feeling our best so we've spent a lot of time hanging out on the living room floor. The house is a mess and frankly I don't really have the energy to clean it, so messy it will have to stay. And even if I did have the energy it would still be a mess because Megan will hardly let me out of her reach. She's not sleeping much and with being sick and sleep deprived she wants me to hold her, or at least be her jungle gym, every second. It's okay though. I do really enjoy the time I get to spend with her.
As for Mark, he's been gone, gone, gone. Working from about 6am to 7pm (give or take an hour or so) all week. He's always worked 6 days/wk, but some weeks are harder than others. We can't go outside because it's too cold and with Mark being as busy as he was it was Thursday before we even had a decent conversation. I wish I could tell you college fams that once your husband's got out of school and on the career path things would get better, and maybe for you they will, but oh boy, being married to a business owner is a toughy. I don't know who has it harder, the wives at home or the sleep deprived, meal deprived husband workers.
Luckily, life isn't all bleak, I wouldn't want to be anywhere else, and I truly mean that. Sometimes weeks are like that, "even in Australia".
P.S. Meg has a wicked diaper rash, thus the airing out prosses and the naked baby picture. Hope one is offended. Cheers!


AshleeMattMaxJack said...

I love naked baby pics- I have so many of Max and can't wait to show them to his girlfriends :) She is getting so big!! I think that we need to get together!!

Lindsay said...

I'm sorry to hear it's been such a crazy hectic week! It is going to be so nice once it warms up a bit and we can all get out of the house a bit more! Megan is looking so adorable--I wish I had hair advice--the only advice I have is buzz it so you don't have to worry about it, but I guess that is only appropriate for boys :)
Hang in there!

Unknown said...

Hey Stef-
Its Erin Pack from HS. I saw your blog on lindsays site. Sounds like you guys are having a hectic week. Hang in there. It stinks when the mom is sick because you have so much responsibility and can't afford to take even an hour off. As for the hair. Try some clippies. Peyton's hair is the same and we love head bands and little clippies to hold the long strands back. I also have used hairspray or a light cream to hold down the fly aways. Have you tried pig tails. Its hard to do on a mobile baby but I just give her something to entertain her self with and then do the fastest job possible. Just experiment and have fun. The more you work with her hair the more use to it she gets and will let you do it. Good luck! Our blog site it if your interested.

Steph Revelli said...

Hey Stef~This is Steph Revelli (Johnson). I saw your link from Leslie and Jared's. i know what you mean about a hard week....I'm just getting used to the whole "stay at home mom" thing myself. It's hard to get used to staying at home after working all the time. We should get together sometime, it would be fun :-) Our website is if you want to see it.