Saturday, March 1, 2008


Okay, so I've seen a few of you post questions to the blogging world in regards to parenting with some great responses so I thought I'd send out a question of my own.

As you can probably tell from the title, my dear sweet Megan is not a great sleeper. Some nights are good (only up once) other nights it can be more like 3 or 4 times. Although, she is usually good and only eats and is back asleep. Those nights I get like a 4 to 5 hour block of time I feel like I could go all day. It's great. But most times I get a hour or two here and there. It's killer.
And naps are on no kind of schedule either. For a while she was really doing great and we had a good schedule, but now she's totally off and I don't know what's happened or what to do to fix it. Sometimes we get two naps and sometimes just one, and at no particular time.
In short, I'm not sleeping in neither is she. I can tell she's tired a lot of the time because she's grumpy but too overtired to fall asleep. Or am I trying to make her sleep too much? I never rock her to sleep, she always falls asleep on her own (mostly because she can't fall asleep with any one or anything around her, it's too much stimulation for her active little personality). It kills me that, what seems like so many people, have such great sleepers and all they had to do is let them cry it out a few times, or not even that. Well, not me, been there, tried that(and a million other things), like almost every night, nap, etc. What am I doing wrong? Is there some quick trick fix here that I'm missing? Is there some great book out there that I need to read? Is she really hungry at night (because even if I go in and just assure her that I'm there, she's still very persistant). Or do I just need to be patient and look for a lesson to be learned?
As you give advice here, will you please be extremely specific. Don't worry if your answer is forever long. You can email me if you'd like. I really need help here and I feel like I've tried everything. Thanks to you all!
Sweet Dreams!