Monday, November 5, 2007


Well 5 months with little Megan have come and gone. I know these pictures aren't fabulous, but they are the best I could get because this little girls just doesn't stop moving! So the blurs are just personality. She is a goer and a mover and a doer. We love her to death and are so blessed to have her in our lives!

Sleeping Tiger, Hidden Baby

The other night Megan wet through her pajamas and the closest thing on hand was her little Tigger halloween costume-- so that's what I put on her. Good thing she doesn't know the difference. Poor girl!

Thursday, November 1, 2007

The Hair



After the pregnancy I needed a change, and it was either shorter (which didn't sit too well with Mark) or longer. So this is what we got. Lindsay, with 3 kids in 3 years I'm surprised you're hair is not purple by now. Maybe you're better than me. A little vain, I suppose, but certainly lots of fun.


We had a fun little Halloween night. Megan was Tigger (who knew when we got the costume that it would be so befitting her "Bouncy Trouncy, Fun" personality), and my brothers, Jordan and Skyler, were Thing 1 and Thing 2. It was fun to get together, roast hot dogs and pass out (and eat) candy. We didn't dress up this year, I know, how boreing, so watch out next year!