Monday, January 14, 2008

Christmas Time.. at Last

Every year we trade off Christmas and Thanksgiving between the Basil and Willhite sides. This year it was a Californian Christmas. The first few days weren't as warm as expected, but the last half of the trip the weather warmed up and it was quite nice.
Mark, his sister's and their families were all together (and Mom and Dad Basil, of course) which made it really nice.
The first day we arrived ended up being a full day of Christmas shopping since I didn't want to shop here and then have to pack them over. Although it certainly would have been nice to have extra luggage room on the way home. The other two days were also spent shopping, cooking and eating really great food. Megan even had her first food while in California. We also got to visit Santa, which was fun. It is so nice when there are two cooks in the kitchen and another mother at home to watch the baby while Mark and I got to go out and just be together. We don't get a lot of time to do things with just the two of us very often and it was especially nice because EVERYTHIHNG out there is just 5 minutes away, where here it takes at least 15 minutes to get just about anywhere. Living and a more populated area certainly has its advantages.
Christmas Eve was spent at Mom and Dad Basil's where Mark and I got to play Mary and Joseph. Megan was supposed to be Baby Jesus, but the though of waking her up mid-night sleep didn't sound real great to us, so a doll filled in for her. The theme this year was Itanilan dishes and I made Mark favorite bar-b-que chicken pizza. It was a real hit! P.S. yeast rises MUCH fast and better in California-- bakers beware!
Christmas morning, Megan was the center of attention. Santa "Basil" lovingly took care of our stockings and visited us all. Megan started her "Little People" collection via grandma and grandpa, with a few other toys, a dress, and pajamas. Although, we could have given her wrapping paper and she would have been just as happy. We spent the day cooking, sleeping, eating and enjoying each other's company until it was time to go to Grandma and Grampa Mathonis's where we did it all over again just with more people.
We had one day after that and then early the next morning we were off and home to Utah again. The trip was way too fast and we were sad to have to leave, but we had a great time and Megan had a blast playing with all her cousins!

On New Years we spent some time with the Willhite's and exchanged gifts as well. It's sad to have to split time between the families, but its also good because we get to feel relaxed with whom ever we are with without feeling as if we have to spend the days "Party Hopping", so to speak.
It was indeed a very Merry Christmas!

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