Saturday, December 8, 2007

More from Mexico

Here are a few more pictures from our trip to Mexico. Most of them are from the zipline tour we went on (monkey in the cage, hanging out by the river, and if you look really close up in the sky you can see little dots of people flying through the air over the canyon).
Also, Meg "Muffin" (as my dad calls her) and her grandpa in the pool.


Lindsay said...

What a fun trip Stef! I'm glad you had such fun and I'm so glad you are back updating! I love hearing the updates and seeing your cute baby!

Sarah said...

You guys have the life!

AshleeMattMaxJack said...

Mexico looked like fun! I can't believe how old Pierson is!!! Oh my gosh. Tell your cute family hello for me. Megan is getting so big and so cute!

Unknown said...

Stefanie how are you girl?? I am glad I found your blog! Little Megan is so adorable and is getting so big. I love her rolly legs! It sounds like you guys had fun in Mexico!