Tuesday, July 24, 2007

7 Things

Okay, so I've been "tagged" and I need to write 7 things about me. This has taken some time to compile cause, well, I don't feel like I'm that interesting of a person. but here ya go.

  1. I love gardening: Not so much the fruits and vegetable kind of gardening, but the flower kind (but don't come and look at my yard right now, because it definitely doesn't show it). I subscribe to a gardening magazine and have an obsession with learning what different plants are and going running or walking just so I can find look at other people's beautiful yards and flowers. I've even drawn up a landscape plan for my yard-- so one day I'll re-do my yard and it will be my own little Garden of Eden.
  2. I like exercising and health food (the yummy kind): Unfortunately, I'm not like a lot of you who don't have to do a thing and you just stay skinny or just walk out of the hospital after having a baby wearing your normal pants (I'll admit that I'm still wearing maternity clothes at 2 months out, how sad!)-- I actually have to work at keeping weight off! So lucky for me I married a man who can help me along and teach me how to do it right. All in all I just feel a lot better when I take care of this old bod of mine!
  3. I'm obsessed with anything Megan: My life has changed drastically since my little Meggy came along, but I love it. She is so fun and so sweet! I drink in every little smile and coo I can get. She's really started to try and use her voice this week and it's been so fun! She also found her tongue and loves to play with it in her mouth all the time. Every little thing with her is so big to me and I love it!
  4. I like photography: I know by my pictures I've posted you must think I'm nuts, or I must really stink at it. But I really enjoy it. But I mostly enjoy taking pictures of buildings and landscapes. One day I want to have a bunch of pictures hanging in my home that are mine, not some other guys work.
  5. I hate scrap booking! I know this may sound blasphemous to many of you reading this—but I do. I enjoy taking pictures and playing with them on Adobe—but I hate scrap booking. It super expensive, it takes forever to do just one page and then I’m not creative enough to even make it look good. Needless to say, I don’t have anything scrap booked since high school—how terrible!
  6. I love the water: I love anything that has to do with the water-- canoeing, boating, swimming, beaching, skiing (frozen water), etc. I love the water.
  7. I'm finally graduating in August! Hurray! It's been a long journey, and interestingly enough, after attending Southern Virginia University, Utah Valley State College, and Brigham Young University- Idaho, I'm actually graduating from BYU-Provo. Some of you may know my little school hopping journey that I've taken and the crazy BYU situation for me, but funny how it's all turned out and I'm finishing there! What a relief to have it all done. Even little Meg waited so I could finish. I took my last final Tuesday evening (when I was 2 days over due) and woke up Wednesday morning with contractions (but don't worry she wasn't born until Saturday). I can’t believe I actually did it, I’m glad to be done!

Sorry to be the end of the line but I don't know 7 other people who haven't been 'tagged' so if you're reading this and you haven't then feel free to write!


melimba said...

stef! i am so proud of you!! i didn't realize that you were completely done with all of those last classes!!! yessss!!! good work!
and hey, I am with you...I HATE scrapbooking. I admire all those who love it, and lots of times I wish I did, but I spend forever on a page that ends up looking...well, disgusting.
i love all the pix of your little cutie. she is so so cute! how fun for you!!!

Marc, Michelle, Jackson, and Bennett said...

Stef, congrats on school! That really is such a great accomplishment! Great work! Fun to read about life and then things you love! I love the new pictures you posted of Megan. She really is cute!

Sarah said...

I agree with scrapbooking, I hate it. Too much time, money, and decorations distracting from the best part - the pictures. I am into the photo books (like mypublisher.com) - so fast and nice!
Congrats on school! what is your major?

Jill said...

Congrats on graduating! I am amazed that you took finals while you were pregnant; that's awesome! I can barely handle finals as they are. I also think it's so cool that you love gardening. I might have to get gardening tips from you one day.