Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Rolling Over & Finding Toys

Megan rolled over last Friday in her crib, but I didn't see it, I just put her on her tummy at night and the next morning she was on her back. But then Sunday night (when she turned 3 months), I was putting her down and she rolled over again. It was an exciting event in the Basil household.

Also, within this last week she's really liked starting to play with toys. Before this she really didn't show any interest in it, but now she can keep herself pretty entertained, which is a big difference from how it used to be.

It's very fun to watch this little one grow. I'm so lucky I get to be a part of it.

1 comment:

Marc, Michelle, Jackson, and Bennett said...

It's funny how we get so excited for such small events, but each little thing a baby can do is a huge milestone! I was so excited when Jackso could roll over and then once he could do that I couldn't wait until he could sit up by himself. Enjoy all the fun!